Rottweiler Traits & Characteristics


Have you ever looked into the deep, loving eyes of a Rottweiler and wondered, what lies behind them?  If so, then you are about to unravel the fascinating world of this breed.  Rottweilers are well known for their robustness, intelligence, and loyalty.  But there’s so much more to these canine companions than meets the eye.

The History of Rottweilers

Ever wondered about the origins of the Rottweiler?  They date back to the Roman Empire times, bred for herding livestock and pulling carts laden with butchered meat.  They’re named after the German town of Rottweil, where they were commonly used.

Physical Characteristics

Size and Weight

Rottweilers are undoubtedly one of the largest dog breeds, with males standing 24-27 inches tall and females 22-25 inches.  The males weigh between 95-135 lbs, while females weigh between 80-100 lbs.  Their formidable size is one of their most distinct characteristics.

Coat and Color

Rottweilers sport a short, thick, and straight coat, primarily black with defined rust or mahogany markings.  Their coat is quite low maintenance, only requiring occasional brushing.


With a healthy lifestyle, your Rottweiler companion can live 8-10 years on average.  But remember, some have been known to live longer with proper care!

Rottweiler Personality and Temperament


Rottweilers are not just brawn; they’re also brainy.  Their intelligence coupled with their eagerness to work makes them exceptional in various roles, such as search and rescue, guide dogs for the blind, or guarding roles.

Confidence and Courage

Have you ever watched a Rottweiler stride?  There’s an air of confidence in every step.  Rottweilers are known for their fearless nature, willing to step in when they sense danger to their loved ones.

Affectionate Nature

Don’t let their formidable look fool you; Rottweilers are big softies at heart.  They are extremely loyal and affectionate with their families, often seeking out physical contact.

Protective Instincts

One of the Rottweiler’s most notable traits is their protective instinct.  They are incredibly observant and can quickly detect threats, making them excellent protectors.

Training a Rottweiler

Training is essential in a Rottweiler’s life due to their size and strength.  It should focus on socialization, obedience, and manners, ideally starting from puppyhood.

Health Issues Common in Rottweilers

Rottweilers, like any breed, are susceptible to certain health issues, including hip and elbow dysplasia, heart conditions, and certain cancers.  Regular check-ups can help ensure your furry friend stays healthy.

Ideal Home Environment

Rottweilers thrive in an environment where they can be part of family activities.  A home with a securely fenced yard is ideal.  But remember, they are adaptable and can live happily in an apartment if adequately exercised.

Diet and Nutrition

A balanced diet is key to a Rottweiler’s health and wellbeing.  Their food should be high-quality, preferably a mix of commercial dog food and natural, lean meats.

Rottweilers with Other Pets and Children

Rottweilers are generally good with children and other pets if socialized correctly.  However, due to their size, interactions with small children should always be supervised.


In conclusion, Rottweilers are loyal, intelligent, and protective companions.  They offer more than their intimidating appearance suggests, providing warmth, companionship, and a sense of security.  The key is proper training, socialization, and a healthy diet.  And who knows? You might just find your new best friend in a Rottweiler.


  1. Are Rottweilers good family dogs?
    Yes, with proper training and socialization, Rottweilers can be excellent family dogs.  They are loyal, protective, and love being part of family activities.
  2. Are Rottweilers aggressive?
    Rottweilers are not naturally aggressive.  However, like any breed, without proper training and socialization, they can develop behavioral issues.
  3. How much should a Rottweiler exercise?
    Rottweilers need at least an hour of exercise each day.  This can be split into two or more walks, playtime, and other physical activities.
  4. Are Rottweilers easy to train?
    Yes, Rottweilers are known for their intelligence and eagerness to work, making them relatively easy to train.  The key is to start training and socialization early.
  5. Do Rottweilers shed a lot?
    Rottweilers have a short, dense coat and are considered average shedders.  They shed more heavily during the change of seasons, so they might require more frequent brushing during these times.
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Donna is an ardent lover of large dog breeds with a particular fondness for Rottweilers, Chessies, Labs, Retrievers, Berners and more. My passion led me to create this blog as a platform to share my knowledge and experiences and to inspire others to appreciate the magnificence of large breeds.

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